Current PhD Students
José Gómez de la Varga (with Dr. Salvador Pineda): Physics-informed Machine Learning for Power System Operations (2022-2026)
Ignacio Repiso López (with Dr. Salvador Pineda): Machine Learning for Optimization (2025-2029)
Graduated PhD Students
Álvaro Porras Cabrera (with Dr. Salvador Pineda): Tight and Compact Models for Power Systems Operation (September 2023)
Miguel Ángel Muñoz Díaz (with Dr. Salvador Pineda): Prescriptive Analytics in Electricity Markets (September 2022)
Adrián Esteban Pérez: Theory and Applications of Distributionally Robust Optimization with Side Data (September 2022)
Giulia de Zotti (with Dr. N. K. Poulsen, Prof. H. Madsen and A. Pourmousavi Kani): Leveraging Consumers’ Flexibility for the Provision of Ancillary Services (June 2019)
Ignacio Blanco Íñigo (with Prof. H. Madsen and Dr. Daniela Guericke): Decision-making Under Uncertainty for the Operation of Integrated Energy Systems (Feb. 2019)
Christos Ordoudis (with Prof. P. Pinson): Market-based Approaches for the Coordinated Operation of Electricity and Natural Gas Systems (Dec. 2018)
Javier Sáez Gallego (with Prof. H. Madsen): Inverse Optimization and Forecasting Techniques Applied to Decision-making in Electricity Markets (Nov. 2016)
Stefanos Delikaraoglou (with Prof. P. Pinson and Dr. Kai Heussen): Harnessing and Coordinating Flexibility Through Market-based Mechanisms (Oct. 2016)
Qi Wang (with Prof. Pierre Pinson and Dr. Salvador Pineda): Real-time Trading Strategies for Proactive Distribution Company with Distributed Generation and
Demand Response (Aug. 2016)
Jan Emil Banning Iversen (with Prof. H. Madsen and Dr. J. K. Møller): Probabilistic Approaches to Energy Systems (May 2015)
Marco Zugno (with Prof. P. Pinson and Prof. Henrik Madsen): Optimization Under Uncertainty for Management of Renewables in Electricity Markets (June 2013)
Graduated MSc Students
Álvaro Raya Fernández: Analysis of Distributionally Robust Stochastic Problems with Contextual Information (Sep. 2021).
Paola Peralta Sánchez (with Dr. Víctor Blanco): Production Planning in an Aeronautical Company using Mathematical Optimization (Jun. 2021).
Álvaro Porras Cabrera (with Dr. S. Pineda): Optimization for the Day-ahead Operation of an Aggregator of Electric Vehicles (Jul. 2020).
Jesús Huete Cubillo: Data Science Techniques for the Analisys and Forecasting of the Electrical Energy Demand (Sep. 2019).
Daniel Sánchez González: Dynamic modeling and control of a commercial premises (Oct. 2017).
Ignacio Blanco Íñigo (with Dr. M. Zugno): Power System Dispatch Combining Stochastic Programming and Robust Optimization (April 2015)
Christos Ordoudis (with Prof. P. Pinson and Dr. M. Zugno): Decomposition techniques for large scale market clearing (September 2014)
Anna Hellmers (with Dr. Anders Skajaa and Dr. M. Zugno): Optimizing Electricity Market Trading for Wind Turbines and CHPs (July 2014). In collaboration with DONG Energy.
Maria Nielsen (with Prof. H. Madsen and Dr. M. Zugno): Probabilistic forecasting and optimization in CHP systems (July 2014). In collaboration with HOFOR, COWI, and ENFOR.
Javier Sáez Gallego (with Prof. H. Madsen): Probabilistic forecasting and optimal spinning reserves (November 2012)
Bjarke Durhuus (with Prof. H. Madsen and Dr. K. M. Rasmussen): Optimal bidding strategies for generation portfolios in electricity markets (September 2012)
Stefanos Delikaraoglou (with Prof. P. Pinson): Optimal wind portfolio investment in view of uncertainties in power predictions and market dynamics (September 2012)
Marta Sánchez Maroto (with Prof. Antonio J. Conejo and Mr. Luis Baringo): Impact of non-dispatchable generation on regulating power plants (April 2011)
Luis Baringo Morales (with Prof. Antonio J. Conejo and Dr. Roberto Mínguez): Probabilistic power flow with non-dispatchable generation